In naturopathy, the liver is considered a vital organ for overall health and wellbeing.
Not only does it help us process toxins and filter our blood, but it also plays a crucial role in digestion, hormone regulation, and the immune system. In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is viewed as both a physical and emotional organ. Physically, it's associated with the Wood element and is responsible for the smooth flow of chi (energy) throughout the body. Emotionally, it's believed to be linked to feelings of anger, frustration, and creativity. During the springtime, which is the time of the Wood element in traditional Chinese medicine, our chi is rising - just like the sap is rising in the plants and trees around us. This makes it the perfect time to focus on nourishing and cleansing the liver. Around the spring equinox, in particular, the energy of renewal and rebirth is strong, making it an ideal time to reset and rejuvenate the liver. If you're experiencing high cholesterol, high blood sugar, feeling tired, sluggish, poor skin, headaches, hormonal problems, hot sweats, feeling out of balance, lack of energy or motivation, low mood, or feeling angry, these can all be signs that your liver could use some extra support. According to Ayurveda, the liver is the seat of Pitta dosha, which governs digestion and metabolism. When the liver is functioning well, it helps to balance the other doshas (Vata and Kapha) and promotes overall health and vitality. That's why I'm excited to announce my upcoming 4-week "Love Your Liver" cleanse! Beginning on Wednesday, March 22nd, I'll be hosting live webinars at 7pm to teach you why it's important to focus on liver health, especially at this time of year, and how to maximise it with foods, herbs, and supplements. The program will also include a fingerprick blood test kit that will check your liver function, lipids, and nutrient levels and a short one – to – one feedback session with myself to go through your results. You will also receive a wellness package of supplements and naturopathic products to support your liver. With the support of this program, you can give your liver the attention it deserves and feel your best. Let's work together to support the life force of our liver and embrace the renewal and rebirth of spring!
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